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Wednesday, February 18, 2009


PC Gaming Dead?

Popsci posted this article about PC Gaming being dead, because the advent of dedicated consoles(X-Boxes, Playstations, Wiis, to those dinosaurs these are the spawns of Atari and Superfamicom) for gaming. How can the death of PC Gaming come to pass if there is still a PC around(why, you can't bring your Wii to the office so the only platform you have to play around with is your trusty old PC). As long as there is Solitaire and Minesweeper PC Gaming will live... bwahahahahaha!


In an era of high-definition, online interconnected systems like the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, will PC gaming go the way of coin-operated arcades? According to market research firm The NPD Group, sales of PC games precipitously declined to $701 million in 2008, a 14 percent year-on-year drop. But is the sky really falling for desktop users? A deeper look suggests not, pointing to a hobby that’s instead evolving so rapidly it would make Darwin blush.

Anticipated retail releases like Starcraft II and Diablo III promise to reinvigorate the category in 2009. But more importantly, the pastime is undergoing a renaissance on the unlikeliest fronts. Free Internet browser-based outings, streaming content delivery services and copy protection-free online software libraries continue to experience meteoric growth. Massively multiplayer online (MMO) universes from World of Warcraft to MapleStory and Club Penguin are also enjoying ballooning interest from all ages, and expected to be a $13 billion market by 2011. Likewise, casual downloads such as Westward III and Totem Tribe prove that hours of fun don’t always come in a cardboard box. Technological advancements in data storage and transfer have prompted an uptick in user-generated, or homebrew, content as well. See City of Heroes’ upcoming custom mission creator, or Spore, whose fans have designed over 75 million creatures and objects in under six months. [Continue Reading in its Original Post]

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