To those that went whadda [colorful adjective here] is a Mjolnir, well it is the hammer that Marvel's Thor, god of thunder, uses to fight bad guys and drive in those irritating nail heads.
To the uninitiated in the world of comicmovie geekiness Thor is an upcoming movie for Marvel Studios, after the success of their Tin Can - Iron Man which proved to be a blockbuster goldmine, the studio is now setting their eyes to their Shakespearian tongued weather deity. Thor who is one/third of Marvel's Trinity (comprised of Iron Man the god the father of military hardware and Captain Americe the god the son of liberty, which leaves Thor as the god the holy [again with the colorful adjective]) will be directed by the reincarnation of Shakespeare himself - Kenneth Brannagh (unusual choice but Marvel likes their surprises hopefully this one don't surprises them more). With a director attached its now time to look for the perfect Goldilocks, and it seems this guy is applying for the job.
I give it to him, he does have the look (well as they say if looks could kill). Personally if this was a perfect world the one I would like to play Thor would be a 7 foot tall Brad"Achilles" Pitt. We have to consider that Marvel is also planning to cross-pollinate their projects so which means that Thor guy would have to face possibly Norton's Hulk and Downey's Iron Man, so he should be able to hold his own against this guys and not look like an overgrown valet attendant. But hey! I would settle for a Brendan Fraser (ooops.... waitaminute.... no need to have those violent reactions... my post... my rules). If still you can't decide who could possibly play Thor then maybe you can. Here is a casting call they have:
Male MUST BE MID-LATE 20'S(might be the only thing you are qualified for) and SIX FEET OR TALLER(nope elevator shoes doesn't count). LEAD.
Physically powerful(yeah right weakling), very handsome(so says your momma), occasionally egotistical(ooops 2 points), petulant(have to wiki this one), and wild(take some rabies shots).
A natural warrior with a quick charming wit who must be genuinely and severly humbled before becoming the compassionate, mature [hero] of our film(hhhmmm.... duh.... aaah.... very nice... how much).
To end this post, borrowing from the words of a great artist - "IT'S HAMMER TIME."
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